martes, 11 de diciembre de 2007

GT Las TIC en las aulas de un Centro Bilingüe


El Grupo de Trabajo se reunirá esta tarde a las 16:30 horas en el aula de 3ºB.

Orden del día:

  • Acceso al blog CEIP Ángel de Haro.

  • Creación de correos electrónicos.

  • Registro en el blog e inicio de comentarios.

Consulta el siguiente enlace de Aplicaciones Educativas V3. Lee el texto y escribe un comentario señalando aquellos recursos o programas educativos de interés para tu aula.

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007

GT "Las Tic en las aulas de un Centro Bilingüe"

Cristina Caparrós, coordinadora del Grupo de Trabajo, os da la bienvenida al espacio interactivo que podemos compartir entre todos/as.
Espero que poco a poco sea un lugar de encuentro que podemos visitar en cualquier momento del día.
Para hacernos con el manejo seguimos los siguientes pasos:
  • Todos/as podemos intervenir y manifestar nuestra opinión, para ello debemos registrarnos en el blog. Para registrarte pincha en comentario y sigue las instrucciones.
  • Si no tienes correo electrónico puedes crearlo pinchando en este enlace

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2007



Everybody has heard about Harry Potter. If you have read any of his adventures or seen any of his films then you will enjoy finding out more about them.

There are lots of interesting things related to the stories, the characters, the world of magic and the author, of course.


Find out more about:

The characters.
The stories.
Hogwarts school.
The author.
"Mugglers" do not understand Potter's magic world and they do not know the peculiar words used in the stories. We will help them to understand:

Create a wiki of Harry Potter's magic words.
Display all the information found in a big mural on the wall.


To find out more about Harry Potter's world it is important to be organized. You will work individually or in pairs.

1º Register in Hogwarts' School. Open Mauderer's Map and see what things you need for the school year in Hogwarts. Then print a copy of this worksheet. Stick it in your notebook and fill the blanks with the information you find. All the students must have it done before going on with the second step. Visit the following website to get to Mauderer's Map:

2º Work in pairs. The information you find is very important for your classmates too. There is a lot of information in the net. Select the best to display on the mural. Remember that the topics for the mural are: Characters, stories, Hogwarts' School, Quidditch and the author J.K. Rowling.

There is some useful information on the following websites:

3º Work in pairs. Create one or more documents to be displayed ( you can use Open Office writer or impress). Ask the teacher to print the document.

4º Add the "fantastic words" you have found to our wiki in the blog.
